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Kiel, March 12

We just can't get enough of the awesome shopping in Kiel! Here's a fun shopping story: I went to the men's store "Dressman", which is in no relation to the picture below. I wanted to find Britt some new trousers. This very spooky salesman decided to help me look (he spoke great English). So, he takes me around the store and shows me all sorts of terrible polyester stuff. Finally, we find a nice pair of plain brown pants. He asks, "what size do you need?" I give him Britt's measurements and he says, "Oh! That's my size! Is he built like me?" I say, "no, he's tall and slim." Which, yes, was a kind of mean thing to say, but I SWEAR German's find smartass remarks endearing. So, he finds the right size and says, "would you like me to try these on for you?" AHHHHH! Oh my lord. I was kinda scared. I told him no thanks and bought the pants, which turned out to be skin-tight-ode-to-David-Hasslehoff-trousers. I had to return them today! Spooky salesman told me today I should not go shopping without my boyfriend anymore. You're telling me!


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