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Hamburg, March 5

Britt and I decided to take a day trip into Hamburg, which is about an hour's train ride from Kiel. It was an extremely cold day (which is starting to be a theme here), with crazy gusts of wind, but thankfully not much snow. We made it to Hamburg by noon, and proceeded to eat a frightening amount of bread from one of the vedors in the train station. Germans love their brot and now we do too.

We headed over to the Kunsthalle for some culture, and we got our money's worth. The Kunsthalle is four buildings, with each one housing a different style of art. One building was German art, one was contemporary, one was their permanent collection, and I don't even know if we made it to the fourth building. It was interesting to contrast say French Impressionism with German "depressionism", which is what I'm going to call it. Wow was it dark. We took a look at the crap people call "modern art", which we believe is a broad term. VERY broad. Oh, and I got in big trouble, but you'll have to call for details.

After that we headed over to St. Pauli to keep things lively. Ya know, you seen one red light district, you pretty much seen em' all. However, it was cool to know the Beatles were there at one time (further explanation below), though we never found the Kaiser Keller (the Star Club is gone). We went into an "adult emporium" (it was cold!), and again, if you'd like further information on that subject you'll have to call. We had a great dinner at a little Italian restaurant just off the Reeperbahn, and then headed home.

Also...word on the street is people want more pics of Britt, so I TRIED to get ahold of his camera and actually take some shots of him. I think there's a couple here that have desktop wallpaper written all over them. Enjoy!


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